Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Can I Do?

I have learned so many things throughout this social 10 course. Globalization has many opportunities but it also presents many challenges. Most of the challenges, I didn't really know about or if I knew about them, I didn't really think there was anything we could do to help. But we can do so much things it is amazing! We can help make the world a cleaner place. We can try to help to stop human trafficking. We can buy fair-trade product. Even though these all seem like small things to do, in reality, they aren't! Well, I guess in a sense, they are small but once you start doing them, they just start adding up into a bigger thing. And maybe, if other people see you buying fair-trade products or what not, they will want to buy them too! There are so many ways we can help the world we just have to be willing to try.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Internet

I personally have nothing against the internet, I think its fine to use and I enjoy using it. However, I think a person has to be careful as of how much they use the internet or watch the news. Some people become so consumed with the internet and the news, I think it is not right. Like for a person to believe EVERYTHING the internet says would not be cool or right. As good as the internet is, it is obviously not always right. So I guess a person just has to be careful to not follow false information. I think for the most part though, the internet is a great thing and is helping the world out in numerous ways. It is helping deliver information faster, it is a great source of basically all you want to know. The internet connects people from all over the world!
I could use the internet to help respond to globalization. I could make a website showing some of the downsides of globalization and some of the good things. Or I could make a website telling about human trafficking, I could help aware people of it. Little things like that add up and start helping.

Human Trafficking

I honestly had no clue what human trafficking was until I read about it in social. I knew stuff like that happened, I just didn’t realize that’s what it was called. So basically, human trafficking is when people come work in a different country but they get forced into doing bad work, such as, prostitution and such. It is really horrible and the people that are getting forced to do things really have no control over the situation.
Both of my parents work so about three or four years ago, they hired a lady from the Philippines to come and be a nanny/caregiver to us. She has basically become part of our family. But I guess the thing that kind of disturbed me is that she could have been part of human trafficking. She could have been one of the unfortunate people that don’t get the job they think they are getting. Really, they have no idea what to expect they can just hope for the best.
Even though human trafficking isn’t a pleasant subject we need to become more aware of it. If we don’t know about something, we can’t help make the situation better. The more we know about a certain situation, the more we can attempt to make it better. So the question, "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization" I could try to learn more about human trafficking and things like that. I can try to research on more of these topics that play a big part in globalization.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Human Needs

We live in a rather odd and confusing world. There are people starving in one part of the world, and in the other part, there are people plunking down thousands of dollars on a purse! That is just not right in my mind. People need to start eliminating their wants to their needs. Most people, and even myself, thing, “Oh, I just NEED this item” but do you really need it? Or do you just really want it? For me, I usually don’t need it but I tend to convince myself that my want is my need. For example, I often say, “Oh, I NEED a Starbucks coffee; I can’t get through my day without one.” And sure yeah, I do need coffee (haha) but do I really need a $5 coffee? Nope, I don’t. It would be realistic for me to get fair-trade coffee. Actually, for almost everything it would be a lot better if we bought fair-trade products. Really, I don’t get what is holding us back from buying fair-trade products. Yeah, sure, they are a bit more expensive but if we all started buying them, the price would go down. I really think the whole world has to start helping more. Like, everyone in the world needs to realize that things will really start getting out of control if we don’t start doing things. Starting to buy fair-trade products is actually not that hard to do yet it would be helping out the world lots! If we would all be more considerate of our needs and wants, I think it could potentially help the future. =) Now, if I go back to the question, “To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization” well, I can start buying fair-trade products.


Globalization is a very serious matter and it is becoming a big issue. However it’s kind of strange how not many people actually know or take much interest in globalization. I think with globalization being such a serious topic, people should discuss it more often.
So now, I’m going back to the question, “To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization.” Well, truth be told, there is not that much I can do. I mean, I can buy clothes that are not made by children or underpaid workers, or I could do things like that. However, it would not make that much of a difference. I’m not saying to NOT do those things, I’m just saying, even if I do those things, it’s not going to make a huge impact but in the long run, it will be worth it. I think that the whole world really has to start working together if we want the future to be a better place. If we all start doing little things to help the environment and world, it will be a better place. We cannot change bad things that have already been done but we can make the future a better place.